Everything You Need to Know About Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder (previously called manic depression) is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). These mood swings can last for days, weeks, or months, and can be so severe that they interfere with daily activities, relationships, and work. During a manic episode, a person may have high energy levels, decreased need for sleep, impulsive behavior, and grandiose ideas. During a depressive episode, a person may experience low mood, feelings of hopelessness and sadness, fatigue, and loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition and can be managed with the help of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.

The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown, but it is thought to be due to a combination of genetic, neurological, and environmental factors. Family history and genetic factors play a role, and some brain imaging studies suggest that changes in brain structure and function may contribute to the development of the disorder. Other potential contributing factors may include stress, trauma, and substance abuse.

It’s important to note that the diagnosis of bipolar disorder can be challenging and may require multiple evaluations over time.   It’s important to seek an accurate diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible, as untreated bipolar disorder can lead to serious consequences, progressive brain changes and can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.

While the symptoms of bipolar disorder can vary from person to person, there are several distinct types that have been identified.

  • Bipolar I Disorder is a serious mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that go from very high manic states to severe depressive episodes. People with Bipolar I Disorder often experience periods of intense energy, creativity, and euphoria followed by periods of depression, irritability, and lack of motivation.
  • Bipolar II Disorder involves mood swings that go from high to low but the highs are not as intense as those experienced in Bipolar I disorder. People with Bipolar II disorder may have more frequent and longer-lasting episodes of depression than those with Bipolar I disorder. The depressive episodes may be just as severe as those in Bipolar I disorder. Both types of bipolar disorders can have a significant impact on an individual’s life and require careful monitoring and treatment to manage symptoms.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder involves persistent mood swings between highs and lows. Unlike other forms of bipolar disorder, the highs and lows experienced with cyclothymic disorder are not as long, severe, or frequent.

Long-term, continuous treatment is an important part of managing bipolar disorder. While there may be times between episodes where a person feels fine, a long-term, continuous treatment plan can reduce the frequency and severity of episodes. This type of treatment usually involves medication, lifestyle changes, therapy and/or other interventions that are tailored to the individual’s needs and goals. It is important for people with bipolar disorder to work with their psychiatrist to develop a plan that will help them manage their condition and maintain their wellbeing over the long term.

While there is no known cure for bipolar disorder, it can be effectively managed with a combination of medication and therapy. Medications such as mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants can help regulate mood swings and reduce symptoms. In addition to medications, psychotherapy can also be an important part of managing bipolar disorder. Therapy can help individuals understand their triggers and develop strategies for coping with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. 

Living with bipolar disorder can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. With the right strategies and support, you can learn how to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Here are some tips for living with bipolar disorder that can help you find balance and stability in your life.

Developing healthy habits can help manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder, such as mood swings, depression, and anxiety. These habits include regular exercise, eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that bring joy.

  • Establish a consistent routine:  a consistent wake up time and bedtime is essential for both physical and mental health. When we stick to a regular sleep schedule, it helps to regulate our circadian rhythm and gives us the energy we need to stay productive throughout the day. Not getting enough sleep can lead to increased risk of developing depression or mania, so it is important to prioritize getting adequate rest each night. A regular sleep routine can help you achieve this goal by setting an alarm at the same time every day and going to bed at the same time each night.
  • Eat well and get regular exercise: Eating well and exercising regularly are essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating the right foods provides your body with the proper nutrition it needs, while regular exercise can help to improve your mood and overall wellbeing. With an effective diet and exercise plan, you can ensure that your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and energized.
  • Keep a mood journal: Keeping a mood journal can be a powerful tool for understanding yourself better. By tracking your emotions day-to-day, you can identify triggers that affect your mental health, monitor the effectiveness of any treatment you are receiving, and recognize changes in your emotional state. This can help you to make better decisions about how to manage your mental health and wellbeing. With a mood journal, you can gain insight into the patterns of your emotions, allowing you to take proactive steps towards improving them.
  • Avoid using alcohol and illegal drugs. Always check with your psychiatrist about any new supplements you are taking.
  • Minimize stress. Try activities like meditation or tai chi. Make changes to simplify your life when possible.

Dr. Parikh has expertise in treating bipolar disorder through the lifespan. Contact her today to start your journey towards a more stable and healthy life!